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Icknield District First Aid Courses - 2025
By Nick Jarman

EVERY adult who volunteers with young people MUST have First Response training completed and renewed every three years to ensure our members are safe when doing their activity

External courses such as FAW and EFAW can be evaluated by an approved First Response Trainer but additional learning and/or practical work may be needed so if you've completed this please email to discuss

Icknield Scouts offers First Response Training Courses for Scouting which are available to our volunteer members.

Our next courses are on Saturday 7 June and Saturday 26 July. Each of these will be a three hour First Response practical session. They will run from 1pm to 4pm at Sell Seventh HQ. There is a two and a half hour elearning needed as a prerequisite to attend either course. Booking is here . Once booked your confirmation email will include the link to the elearning

There is a RYA First Aid course run by First Luton Sea Scouts on Saturday 29 March. There will be a cost for this course. Details and booking here


Please address any questions about internal and external first aid courses to




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Icknield (Luton) District

c/o Leslie Sell Act. Centre, Molivers Lane, Bromham, Bedfordshire, MK43 8LD

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