Luton North District Girl Guiding HQ, Woodcroft, Bramingham
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) - opportunities to speak to Scouts around the UK and the world
There are many more activities than "just" JOTA/JOTI - some indoors and in the woods next to the building – lots of fun and lots of programme ideas - your young people will have the opportunity to cover . . .
* Digital maker stage 1 - all parts
* Scout Communicator, option 2 - all parts
* Cub Communicator - 1, 2, 5a, 5e, 5f
* Beaver Communicator - 4 & 5
* Scout Electronics 7 (one of three circuits)
* Cub Scientist - 2b
* Beaver Experiment (1 of 3)
Saturday 19 October 10-1 and 2-5
Sunday 10-1 (adults welcome to see what we do – take away ideas for your meeting nights)
Please book with Brendan electronics.weekend@icknieldscouts.org.uk
We will provide hot and cold drinks
You are responsible for in touch etc
If ratios are a challenge, please speak to Brendan